
Cainergy International supports the elimination of all forms of modern slavery. Such exploitation is entirely at odds with
Cainergy’s ethics and our strong commitment to respecting the rights of our workforce. We are determined to play our part by
taking actions to safeguard the rights of our employees and contractor personnel, building on long-established Cainergy
commitments, policies and processes.


At Cainergy we believe that all our employees deserve the right to live and work with dignity and respect and so this ethos
should equally apply to the employees of our suppliers, business partners and wider supply chain. We envision and encourage
a slavery-free work environment and we would take steps to ensure that sound social and ethical practices are upheld, not only
within our own operations, but also within our supply chain and by our business partners.


We are committed to taking steps to ensure that slavery, forced labour and human trafficking does not take place within our
Company or other parts of our business. We will take steps to verify, evaluate and assess the risk of slavery, forced labour and
human trafficking occurring within our supply chain and we expect our suppliers and business partners to co-operate and
collaborate with us to achieve this.
Each of our businesses is required to conduct its activities to deliver conformance with these expectations and manage risks
associated with its activities, including modern slavery. Often our businesses establish business or local operating site
requirements or other arrangements to help them deliver conformance.
Our code and human rights policy together reinforce our support for the elimination of all forms of modern slavery, such as
human trafficking and forced labour.
We address failures by our employees to adhere to our code and policies; this may involve disciplinary action, up to and
including termination of employment. Similarly, if a contractor or supplier fails to act in a manner consistent with our
expectations or their contractual obligations, we look to work with them to resolve the issue to improve the situation of the
people affected. If a serious breach is found and no corrective action is taken, we reserve the right to terminate contracts.


We continue to strengthen employee awareness of our human rights policy and potential human rights impacts relevant to our
work. Our training covers what human rights means in an operational context, as well as specific topics including modern
slavery. Senior leadership teams also participate in awareness-raising training.


• This policy explains our commitment to limiting the risk of modern slavery occurring within our own business or
infiltrating our supply chains or any other form of business relationship.

• We expect all who have or seek to have a business relationship with Cainergy familiarise themselves with this policy
and to act at all times in a way that is consistent with its values.

• This policy will be used to underpin and inform any statement on Slavery and Human Trafficking.
Responsibility and implementation
The Board and Management of Cainergy has the overall responsibility for ensuring this policy complies with our legal and
ethical obligations, and that all of our employees comply with it and ensures that any procedures implemented are effective in
countering modern slavery. The Human Resource Department will have the primary day-to-day responsibility for the
implementation of this policy, monitoring its use and ensuring that the appropriate processes and control systems are in place,
and amended as appropriate, to ensure it can operate effectively